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美國 . Hallowell



Hallowell EMC   www.hallowell.com
Hallowell EMC 公司是由原Rusz 器材公司沿革發(fā)展而來,成立于1988年。公司早期的產(chǎn)品是從AV500型呼吸機技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)化發(fā)展的用于獸醫(yī)臨床的Model 200呼吸機。Hallowell EMC 公司經(jīng)過不斷技術(shù)革新、產(chǎn)品研發(fā),現(xiàn)在已生產(chǎn)銷售各種動物用的呼吸機系列產(chǎn)品和附件。 

Hallowell MEC 公司主要有以下的呼吸機機型: 
1. Hallowell EMC Model 2000 
2. Hallowell EMC Model 2002 
3. Anesthesia Workstation 
4. Micro-Vent 1 
Hallowell EMC 公司的麻醉機產(chǎn)品深受美國實驗動物領(lǐng)域的科研人員的青睞,Anesthesia WorkStation 特別適用于大鼠的長時間的再呼吸型麻醉,并且麻醉機和呼吸機兼用! 

Hallowell EMC was incorporated in 1988 after the dissolution of Rusz Instruments following the transfer of technology involving the AV500 ventilator to Bear Medical of Riverside California. A simplified version of the AV500 with an extended operating range for veterinary use was partially complete at the time. At Hallowell EMC this project was finished and marketing began with the Model 200 Veterinary Anesthesia Ventilator.
Shortly thereafter in 1990 the Model 200 was repackaged with the addition of airway pressure alarms as the current Model 2000. It remained unchanged for 12 years and was use as a workhorse by many long before any competing veterinary specific anesthesia ventilators were introduced to the market. Customer requests for a finer volume control were answered when the Model 2002 was brought to market in 2002.
Our Anesthesia WorkStation (AWS) was introduced in 1997 for animals ranging in size from 150gm to 6-7 kg and the MicroVent 1 featuring high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) and IPPV for mice, rats and small avian patients joined the product line in 2004.
Currently under development, collaboration with Vetronic Services of the UK, is Tafonius an advanced large animal anesthesia machine and research platform. Release is expected in the late summer of 2008