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意大利 . 蓋博特




意大利蓋博特(Gibertini)  www.gibertini.com.cn www.gibertini.com 
具有五十年天平衡器研發(fā)生產(chǎn)歷史的意大利蓋博特分析儀器有限公司, 始終堅(jiān)持以先進(jìn)的科技作為發(fā)展之本,堅(jiān)持不懈豐富稱量的概念。蓋博特不僅以天平贏得全球客戶的信賴,更以其表面張力儀,酒類測試儀器,食品分析儀器等產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)領(lǐng)先優(yōu)勢確立其在分析儀器行業(yè)的位置。蓋博特分析儀器(北京)有限公司作為意大利蓋博特分析儀器有限公司在中國的子公司,全面負(fù)責(zé)蓋博特分析儀器的市場,銷售及技術(shù)支持, 蓋博特分析儀器在中國銷售的全部儀器均由意大利原裝進(jìn)口,保證了可靠的質(zhì)量與測試性能。
 Gibertini Elettronica has adopted excellence of quality as a goal for its organisation and since 1992 this aim has become a reality with the achievement of ISO 9002 Certification.

All the staff are engaged in a continuous effort to improve the instruments, whilst mantaining the simplicity and safety of their use.
To reach these quality goals, Gibertini Elettronica has adopted the following policies: 
awareness of all International Regulations 
reaching quality levels with minimum cost and in due time 
prevention of production delays 
continuous training and updating of all staff 
continuous product improvement

These policies clearly define the goals for all the staff as being "only the best is acceptable since good quality of all products is the first investment for marketing".
The second generation of the family, who are now part of the staff, are dedicated to improving the company and taking it into the next millenium, whilst preserving all the excellent achievements made by the founder.
The policy of this second generation is to manage these changes by working together professionally and by integrating these changes within the whole company.

"The customer would like to be informed by a professional and not by a general seller": hence the reason for continuous training and keeping all of the staff up to date.
It is for this reason that "customer satisfaction" is of prime importance to our company.
To confirm this introduction on "quality", we confirm for you the national and international regulations we currently refer to:
EEC Directive 90/384 NAWI 
EEC Directive 91/384 
EEC Directive 91/250 on Legal protection of software 
EEC Directive 85/374 Manufacturer strict liability 
EEC Directive 76/177 EXQ 
EEC Regulation 2676/90 on oenological anlyses 
EAL - European Cooperation for the accreditation of Laboratory 
RING TEST for the certification and oenological analyses 
EEC Directive 89/336 on electromagnetic compatibility