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美國 . Ortec



美國Ortec www.ortec-online.com  www.ametek.com
ORTEC原隸屬于美國EG&G公司, 現(xiàn)隸屬于美國AMETEK集團公司。公司位于美國田納西州的原子城—橡樹嶺,由美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室的科學家和工程師于1960年創(chuàng)建。自公司成立至今,ORTEC就一直是世界上最主要的核測量技術的研發(fā)者和儀器設備的制造者,其產(chǎn)品和技術代表著當今世界上這一領域的最先進水平。


AMETEK Beijing Representative Office
Western Section, 2nd Floor, B10, Jing Dong Fang Bldg.
Chao Yang District
Beijing , 100015
P.R. China
Phone: +86.10.8526.2111 ext. 13
Fax: +86.10.8526.2141
Email: steven.yuan@ametek.com.cn

For 40 years, ORTEC has been an industry leader in the design and manufacture of precision detectors, signal processing electronics, software, and systems for industry, academia, and government requirements. The ORTEC product line of over 1600 products includes equipment and instruments for nuclear power plant and government nuclear facility operations, special nuclear material safeguards, and fundamental research.
ORTEC brand products are used in a wide variety of nuclear measurements from research to applied systems. Our company specializes in the design and fabrication of turn-key spectroscopy systems for applications such as Failed Fuel Monitors, Radiochemistry Laboratories, Air and Liquid Effluent Monitors, Whole Body (personnel) Counters, Waste Characterization (in situ) Systems, Non-destructive Waste and Material Assay, and Nuclear Material Safeguards and Accountability Systems.
ORTEC was originally founded in 1960 by a group of scientists from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory to provide a commercial source for research grade silicon surface barrier charged particle detectors. ORTEC has grown to provide state of the art solutions in virtually all areas of nuclear measurements.
The recognition and acceptance of ORTEC brand equipment is based on high quality, reliability, and state-of-the-art advancement. 
ORTEC continues to lead the industry in innovative techniques and equipment to perform the most rigorous of measurements. These include:
State-of-the-art, high quality High Purity Germanium detector systems with evolving specifications to meet the demands of today's gamma counting systems, 
The first fully integrated Ethernet-based hardware and software platform to allow connection of equipment anywhere in a facility while allowing operators and supervisors to view, edit, configure, control, and analyze data on any hardware from anywhere at any time, 
The continuous development of PC-based GammaVision?and AlphaVision quantitative spectroscopy software packages which are more powerful and easier to use than any previously available software, 
The first integrated DSP-based hardware systems (the DSPEC and DSPEC-Plus) for High Purity Germanium detectors which improve the performance and stability of the gamma spectroscopy counting systems, 
The first fully-integrated DSP-based portable Multi Channel Analyzer designed to operate in the field for a full working day without an external PC, 
The first (and only) low-cost mechanical cooler for High Purity Germanium detectors which eliminates the need for, reduces running operational costs of, and eliminates safety hazards associated with Liquid Nitrogen cooling. 
The first commercially available High Purity Germanium-base portable nuclide identifier. 
High-technology instrumentation is designed and manufactured by ORTEC and used for basic scientific studies of the structure and behavior of the atom, for physics and biomedical research, and for industrial areas associated with nondestructive materials analysis.

In 1967, ORTEC was acquired by EG&G, a large scientific corporation founded by Edgerton, Grier and Germeshausen of MIT in 1947 to provide scientific consulting and testing for the U. S. Government. By the mid 1960s, EG&G had grown into a major contractor, operating several national laboratories for the government. The corporation was in the process of expanding into high-technology commercial operations.