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美國 . Glass Expansion



Glass Expansion

美國 Glass Expansion  www.geicp.com
Glass Expansion從上世紀80年代就開始制造ICP發(fā)射分光儀和質(zhì)譜儀的樣品導入部件。 如今我們?yōu)?6家制造商的設(shè)備提供支持,為50多個不同型號的ICP和ICP-MS設(shè)備提供樣品導入系統(tǒng)。 許多主要ICP制造商將我們的產(chǎn)品作為標準提供。 我們的產(chǎn)品應用廣泛,受到ICP行業(yè)公認分析師的歡迎, 被譽為“行業(yè)標準”產(chǎn)品。 對于不同樣品導入部件之間的關(guān)系我們有著深刻的理解, 同時又有生產(chǎn)優(yōu)質(zhì)霧化器、霧化室、炬管和其他ICP部件的能力及專門技術(shù),因此能夠為你提供符合您ICP樣品導入需要的全套解決方案。 下面就例舉一些我們致力研究開發(fā)獲得的成就:
Glass Expansion采用旋流式霧化室,對霧化室設(shè)計進行了徹底改革。 事實上,在Tracey旋流式霧化室出現(xiàn)前, Scott式霧化室是行業(yè)標準。 而我們的旋流式霧化室設(shè)計則能幫助您獲得更高靈敏度,減少沖洗時間并降低基體效應,這是其他類型的霧化室無法做到的。
我們的可完全拆卸式炬管也名列行業(yè)第一,所有的部件都可拆卸和更換。這使得炬管的操作和使用更為有效,費用更低。 在高精度炬管的基礎(chǔ)上,您可以任意更換三個獨立導管其中之一,同時確保軸心準確對齊。 所有更換部件的制造均相當精密,更換導管后無需進行任何優(yōu)化。 炬管導管的更換快捷簡便,減少了停機時間并增加設(shè)備生產(chǎn)力。
我們制造的霧化器能夠在ICP儀器制造商指定的氣體壓力和流量條件下以最佳狀態(tài)運行。 我們生產(chǎn)的并不是只能在某一特定氣體壓力和流量范圍內(nèi)操作的霧化器,在追求質(zhì)量方面我們精益求精。 我們按照您的ICP規(guī)格生產(chǎn)霧化器,因為我們了解這些規(guī)格的重要性。 同時我們也了解時間對您是何等重要,因此每次更換霧化器后您不必再費時重新校準儀器。
在ICP分析中,分析結(jié)果的再現(xiàn)性是極其重要的。 產(chǎn)品或變量的極小變化或不一致都可能導致分析結(jié)果的顯著變化。在這樣的環(huán)境中,設(shè)計質(zhì)量和可靠性十分重要。 Glass Expansion已開發(fā)了獨特的專有生產(chǎn)方式,能夠生產(chǎn)高機械強度以及微米級尺寸精確度的部件,能滿足所有最嚴格的分析規(guī)格。 我們產(chǎn)品因極佳的精度、成本效益以及結(jié)果再現(xiàn)性而在世界范圍內(nèi)獲得認可。 再現(xiàn)性的優(yōu)勢如下:
短時間背景和 RSD 較低
對于連續(xù)測試批號的Glass Expansion部件,測試的分析結(jié)果分散性較小。
本公司的設(shè)計和生產(chǎn)過程能確保產(chǎn)品性能的可靠性,有助于將可能影響分析的變量降至最低。 您的需要是我們產(chǎn)品設(shè)計品質(zhì)、可靠性和創(chuàng)新的指南。 我們最近對顧客的需要進行了回應,由此開發(fā)出了簡單實用的解決方案,例如用于霧化器的快速連接器件 EzyFit 和 EzyLok、用于炬管的 GazFit 接頭,以及用于連接雙層霧化室冷卻液軟管的 EzyLok。 我們以能滿足顧客的需要而自豪。
Glass Expansion has been manufacturing sample introduction components for ICP emission and mass spectrometers since the early 1980s. Today we support instruments from 16 manufacturers, providing sample introduction systems for over 50 different ICP and ICP-MS models. Many major ICP manufacturers supply our products as standard. Our products are widely used and embraced by recognised analysts in the ICP industry, and are recognised as 'industry standard' products. Our intimate understanding of the relationship between the various sample introduction components, together with our ability and expertise in manufacturing high quality nebulizers, spray chambers, torches, and other ICP components, means that we can offer you a complete solution to your ICP sample introduction needs. Here are some examples of what our commitment to research has accomplished:
Glass Expansion revolutionized spray chamber design by introducing cyclonic spray chambers. That's right, before the 'Tracey' cyclonic spray chamber, Scott-style spray chambers were the norm. The design of our cyclonic spray chambers helps you achieve sensitivity gains, reduced washout times, and reduced matrix effects not possible with other types of spray chamber.
Our fully demountable torches, with all components being removable and replaceable, are also an industry first, enabling you to make operating and using torches more efficient and less expensive. With the high-precision ground torch base, you can replace any of the three individual tubes while maintaining accurate alignment and concentricity. All replacement components are so precisely manufactured that you don’t need any further optimization after you’ve replaced a tube. Changing torch tubes is so quick and easy, reducing down time and increasing instrument productivity.
We manufacture nebulizers to operate optimally at the gas pressures and flow specified by the ICP instrument manufacturers. Instead of manufacturing nebulizers which operate within a certain gas pressure and flow range, we go the extra distance in our drive for quality. We manufacture our nebulizers according to your ICP specifications because we understand how critical these specifications can be. We also understand that your time is important and that you shouldn't have to waste it on recalibrating your instrument each time you change your nebulizer.
Reproducibility of analytical results in ICP analyses is of paramount importance. In an environment where a small change or inconsistency in a product or variable can result in a dramatic change in analytical results, design quality and reliability is essential. Glass Expansion has developed unique and proprietary manufacturing methods, which enable the production of components with the high mechanical strength and micron-level dimensional accuracy to satisfy the narrowest of analytical specifications, each and every time. Our products are recognized world wide for their excellent precision, cost effectiveness and reproducibility of results. This reproducibility provides you with the following benefits:
Short-term background and RSD's are lower
Long-term drift is lower
Analytical result spread, measured for successive test batches of Glass Expansion components, is narrower
Our design and manufacturing processes ensure reliability in the performance of our products, which helps you minimize variables that can affect your analyses. Your needs are the crux of our product design quality, reliability, and innovation. Some of our recent responses to your needs have led to the development of user friendly solutions such as our quick connect EzyFit and EzyLok fittings for nebulizers, GazFit connectors for torches, and EzyLok fittings for jacketed spray chamber coolant hoses. We pride ourselves on being attentive to your needs.