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美國 . VideoRay



美國VideoRay www.videoray.com

VideoRay was founded in 1999. Our concept was a simple one – build a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) that could be sent into underwater locations that its owners could not reach, or where it might be necessary, or even dangerous, for them to do so. The challenge was to make this relatively new technology more accessible to potential users, which meant it had to be portable, reliable, affordable, and easy to use. The first systems had shallow depth ratings, included short tethers and basic thrusters, and were used in nuclear power plants, aquaculture sites, educational ships, and yachts.
Since then, users have tried VideoRays in increasingly challenging situations and environments. Today, VideoRays can be found on every continent, and owners have learned to trust them to perform in a wider range of uses and growing number of industries. Hundreds of VideoRays are deployed in homeland security applications to help keep the United States and other countries safe. Science museums and public aquariums use them to demonstrate how ROVs work – and how fish see their world. Law Enforcement agencies use VideoRays to locate and retrieve drowning victims and investigate underwater crime scenes. Television shows use VideoRays to investigate underwater wrecks and disasters to separate fact from fiction, and every week another application for VideoRay is discovered somewhere in the world.
VideoRays initially delivered just a video camera to the underwater location. However, VideoRay has established itself as the worldwide leader in observation class ROVs, and underwater accessory manufacturers now develop their sensors around the size and payload capacity of VideoRays. When you purchase a VideoRay Pro model, you have the choice of the best scanning and multi-beam sonars, positioning systems, metal thickness, cathodic protection, water quality and radiation measuring devices, and many other underwater tools and sensors.
VideoRays start at under $6,000 USD, and there is sure to be a model that is right for your underwater challenges.