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加拿大 . SCP Science


SCP Science

加拿大SCP Science   www.scpscience.com
SCP SCIENCE 成立于1980 年, 為美國,加拿大和世界各地無機化學實驗室提供儀器,耗材和標樣等化學分析產(chǎn)品。近幾年來, 公司通過自行生產(chǎn)、代工生產(chǎn)、兼并、以及擴展國際銷售網(wǎng)等方式得到了極大的擴張。公司在運作中完全執(zhí)行ISO 9000-2000的標準并且各實驗室嚴格遵循17025 的準則, 以此保證提供給客戶優(yōu)質可靠的產(chǎn)品和服務。
SCP SCIENCE公司總部位于加拿大蒙特利爾市的西部,貝多費。 公司在美國紐約Champlain擁有分銷中心, 為美國市場提供服務。在法國巴黎市郊Courtaboeuf 的分部, 除了直接為法國的客戶提供服務外, 也同時為歐共體及周邊共25 個國家的經(jīng)銷商提供協(xié)助。 SCP SCIENCE 在中、南美洲、非洲、和亞洲均擁有廣泛的銷售網(wǎng)絡。
SCP SCIENCE - 法國, 座落于法國巴黎市郊的Courtaboeuf , 是2001 年通過兼并SPIN而組建的子公司。1990 年以來, 前身SPIN在原子光譜耗材和認證參考物經(jīng)銷領域已處于領導地位。合并后, 公司業(yè)務得到了極大的增長, 在原有基礎上擴充了所有SCP SCIENCE產(chǎn)品: 樣品前處理儀器、校正和質量管理標準試劑、無機試劑、擴展了原子光譜儀耗材系列以及認證參考物等。
自合并以來, 新公司在法國分析化學市場進行產(chǎn)品直銷, 在歐共體和其他地區(qū)共25 個國家通過代理網(wǎng)絡進行銷售,使公司發(fā)展迅速。在法國Courtaboeuf 擁有全系列產(chǎn)品的貨存以保證整個歐洲市場的短交貨周期。
SCP SCIENCE是私有的生產(chǎn)廠和經(jīng)銷商,為實驗室的無機化學分析提供設備,供應件,標樣和參考資料。生產(chǎn)全系列的無機定容積試劑;標定和質量控制標樣;認證的參考物;樣品預處理設備和配件;以及生產(chǎn)其他公司轉售的帶私營特定商標的儀器、標樣和易消耗品。經(jīng)銷由美國、加拿大和世界其他地方制造的原子光譜分析儀器設備。 
SCP SCIENCE 的總部和制造業(yè)分部位于魁北克省蒙特利爾海島的貝多費。美國的分銷點設于紐約的Champlain。公司新的歐洲分配中心處于法國巴黎30公里南部的Courtaboeuf。 
· 原子吸收光譜(AA) 
· 電感耦合等離子體原子發(fā)射光譜儀(ICP-AES) 
· 電感耦合等離子體制譜儀(ICP-MS) 
· X-射線熒光光譜儀(XRF) 
· 樣品預處理設備和AA;ICP以及XRF的供應件 
· 消解系統(tǒng) 
· 定標標樣 
· 質量控制(QC)標樣 
· 操作運行評估標樣 
· 認證的參考資料 
產(chǎn)品包括DigiPREP,唯一的石墨板塊式消解系統(tǒng)配以樣品溫度直接控制器;DigiTUBE吻合DigiPREP和其他石墨板塊式消解系統(tǒng),可方便任意使用于消解/定容/存貯等多用途;PlasmaCAL ICP-AES和ICP-MS標定標樣,可提供所有元素并且保證21個月的有限期;PlasmaTEST儀器控制標樣是唯一的商品型產(chǎn)品,可跟蹤您的ICP-AES,ICP-MS光譜儀的分析表現(xiàn);PlasmaFORM是ICP-MS的采樣錐和截取錐系列;PeCHECK操作評估標樣用于水和廢水分析;MAT家族是認證的參考物,其適用大范圍的樣品類型包括環(huán)境、農(nóng)業(yè)土壤、飲用水、地表水和污水,使用油、堆肥和污泥;AccuSPEC標樣和試劑包括原子吸收標樣,離子交換標樣,傳導性標樣,滴定標液,緩沖液和各種其他標樣的定體積溶液。 
SCP SCIENCE 服務的主要市場對象是無機分析光譜實驗室。其包括環(huán)境和質量管理實驗室如采礦、石油和石油化工、農(nóng)業(yè)、水泥、食品加工、半導體等工礦企業(yè),以及大專院校和政府等部門研究所。我們的品牌一同各無機分析供應經(jīng)銷商活躍在全世界。SCP SCIENCE 考究的產(chǎn)品和專業(yè)的服務為所有無機分析光譜技術的精華。 

SCP SCIENCE has served the inorganic analytical chemistry market since 1980. We bring to our customers specialized products for atomic spectroscopy and inorganic analytical chemistry manufactured in the U.S.A., Canada and around the world.The company has grown substantially in recent years through internal and contracted manufacturing, acquisition, and expansion of its sales distribution network around the world. Implementation of ISO 9000-2000 throughout the company & 17025 in the company’s laboratories is almost completed ensuring consistent reliable products and service.
SCP SCIENCE corporate headquarters is located in Baie D'Urfé, Quebec, on the western portion of the island of Montreal . Distribution centres are located in Champlain, NY serving the USA, and in the Courtaboeuf suburb of Paris, France serving France directly and supporting our distributors located in each of the 25 countries of the European Union. SCP SCIENCE has an extensive distribution network throughout Central and South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Please contact us for the location of our office or distributor serving your market. Meanwhile, please join us on a tour of our Corporate Offices. Headquarters in Baie D’Urfé.
SCP SCIENCE France in Europe is located in the Courtaboeuf suburb of Paris, France and evolved from the 2001 acquisition of Spin, a leader in the distribution of atomic spectroscopy supplies and Certified Reference Materials in France since 1990. The company has grown to include all the SCP SCIENCE manufactured products including sample preparation instruments, calibration and quality control standards, inorganic reagents, an expanded line of atomic spectroscopy supplies and Certified Reference Materials.
Selling directly to the analytical chemistry market in France and through our distribution partners in all 25 countries of the European Union, the new company has been on an accelerated growth curve since the acquisition. An extensive inventory is maintained in Courtaboeuf with quick delivery times throughout Europe.
SCP SCIENCE China is located in Beijing, capital of the People's Republic of China. Located near the facilities of the China EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Bureau, Beijing EMC and two of China's top universities, the company office will support its growing distribution network and customer base in China.