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德國 . R-Biopharm




德國R-Biopharm 拜發(fā) www.r-biopharm.com
R-Biopharm 公司是臨床診斷和食品及飼料分析領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)軍企業(yè)。在這兩個領(lǐng)域中,R-Biopharm 公司的試劑盒能夠在危及病人和消費者健康時提供高精確度和準確性的診斷結(jié)果。
  公司成立于 1988 年,隸屬于德國達姆施塔特的Röhm GmbH集團,現(xiàn)任總經(jīng)理Ralf M.Dreher 博士于 1991 年開始接手公司。自 1996 年以來,R-Biopharm公司的質(zhì)量管理系統(tǒng)已獲 ISO9001 國際標準認證,2003年公司再獲 ISO 13485 質(zhì)量管理證書。從 2000 年 1 月份起,R-Biopharm 公司獲得Enzymatic BioAnalysis(酶法生物分析) 試劑的全球獨家經(jīng)銷權(quán),該試劑由羅氏公司 (前曼海姆 BOEHRINGER公司) 研發(fā)。   
2002年 R-Biopharm公司收購了蘇格蘭的 Rhone診斷技術(shù)公司――該公司是另一大霉菌毒素試劑盒生產(chǎn)商。這次在食品和飼料分析領(lǐng)域的成功擴張也最終締造了R-Biopharm公司在該領(lǐng)域的現(xiàn)有地位。
今天總部位于德國的R-Biopharm公司已經(jīng)在英國、美國、意大利、法國、阿根廷、巴西、中國、西班牙和澳大利亞成立了子公司,并且建立了全球范圍內(nèi)超過 80 家分銷商加盟的巨大銷售網(wǎng),此外,在瑞士、奧地利和荷蘭也設(shè)有代表處。
R-Biopharm 公司在臨床診斷領(lǐng)域,尤其是在傳染病糞便診斷學、傳染病血清診斷學和過敏診斷學方面有著非常豐富的經(jīng)驗。 2006 年,公司創(chuàng)新的腳步進一步擴展到腫瘤診斷學和腸胃病學產(chǎn)品上。 R-Biopharm已成為一個成功的全球市場舵手,并且在不同領(lǐng)域的檢測系統(tǒng)中持續(xù)發(fā)展和創(chuàng)新。一直以來,產(chǎn)品自動化作為公司的核心,其所有產(chǎn)品均經(jīng)多方驗證且獲得 CE 標志。
R-Biopharm在食品和飼料分析領(lǐng)域,公司提供廣泛的并經(jīng)過認證的免疫學、酶學及微生物學試劑盒,用以檢測違禁殘留物、食品成份以及微生物污染物。采用 R-Biopharm 公司的試劑盒對霉菌毒素、激素、抗生素、轉(zhuǎn)基因物質(zhì)、風險物質(zhì)、過敏原和病原體進行檢測,具有性價比高、快速、可靠等特點。
在以上兩個領(lǐng)域,產(chǎn)品的設(shè)計和發(fā)展主要采用酶聯(lián)免疫分析方法,同時也注重 PCR、免疫層析、免疫印記、免疫熒光及快速檢測卡等方法。 R-Biopharm 公司擁有的 RIDASCREEN®,RIDA® 和 PentoCheck® 已成為全球著名的商標。
R-Biopharm 公司在業(yè)界已贏得很高聲譽。公司被連續(xù)提名為 2004,2005 及 2006 年度 " 德國年度最佳企業(yè) " ,同時也在 2004 和 2005 年兩次被授予德國 " 50 家發(fā)展最快的科技公司 "。
R-Biopharm 公司精誠的合作體系以及優(yōu)良的團隊精神得到了客戶及科研伙伴的一致認同。公司將始終以全面化和專業(yè)化作為其服務(wù)理念。
展望未來,R-Biopharm 公司仍將在臨床診斷和食品飼料分析領(lǐng)域做出更大的貢獻。未來的挑戰(zhàn)是開發(fā)全新及多功能的快速檢測產(chǎn)品以簡化流程,縮短時間,獲得準確結(jié)果。

R-Biopharm is a leading developer of test solutions for clinical diagnostics and food & feed analysis. In both sectors, the R-Biopharm test kits offer high precision and accuracy, key requirements where patient and consumer health is at risk.
R-Biopharm Analysis Systems Trading (Beijing) Co.Ltd.
Suite 2908 Tower B
EagleRun Plaza,
26 Xiaoyun Lu Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100016

Phone: +86 (0) 10 8458 3218
Fax: +86 (0) 10 8458 0691
Email: info@r-biopharm.cn
Homepage: http://r-biopharm.com/zh-hans/

R-Biopharm AG was founded in 1988 as a subsidiary of Röhm GmbH in Darmstadt, Germany. In 1991 it was taken over by the present managing director, Dr. Ralf M. Dreher. Since 1996 R-Biopharm's quality management systems have been certified to the international standards ISO 9001 and in 2003 the company gained ISO 13485 quality management certification. From January 2000 R-Biopharm acquired sole worldwide distribution rights to Enzymatic BioAnalysis, a product developed by Roche (formerly BOEHRINGER Mannheim). In 2002 R-Biopharm took over Rhône Diagnostics Technologies in Scotland, another supplier of mycotoxin test kits, resulting in successful expansion of its position in the food and feed analysis sector. Today the German parent company R-Biopharm is represented by subsidiaries in the UK, USA, Italy, France, Latin America, Brasil, Spain and China as well as by a worldwide extensive network of more than 80 distributors. In addition, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands are represented by local Country Managers.
In clinical diagnostics R-Biopharm possesses many years of sound experience, particularly in the field of infectological stool diagnostics as well as in the field of serological infection diagnostics and allergy diagnostics. 2006 the clinical product portfolio was extended by inovative test systems in the product lines tumor diagnostics and gastroenterology. R-Biopharm has been a successful market player world-wide and is constantly developing new and partly groundbreaking test systems in the different areas. In this process automation is a main focus from the beginning. All distributed tests are validated and CE-marked. In the field of food & feed analysis, the company offers a consistently impressive range of approved immunological, enzymatic and microbiological test kits for the detection of residues, food constituents and microbiological contaminants. The use of R-Biopharm tests to screen for mycotoxins, hormones, antibiotics, genetically modified material, specified risk material, allergens and pathogens is fast, reliable and, above all, cost-effective.
In both fields, the products have been designed and developed primarily for immunoassay platforms. Nonetheless, there is also a great emphasis on other test formats such as PCR, Lateral Flow, Immunoblots, Immunofluorescence Assays or Card Tests. RIDASCREEN®, RIDA® and PentoCheck® were world-wide recognized trademarks of R-Biopharm.
R-Biopharm has earned high accolades for its business performance. In 2004 the company achieved a double success, being nominated as a finalist for 'Entrepreneur of the Year 2004, 2005 and 2006' as well as being placed in 2004 and 2005 in the 'Technology Fast 50', a ranking of Germany's 50 fastest-growing technology companies.
R-Biopharm’s distinctive policy of partnership and teamwork is an approach valued by its customers and research partners alike. The company's key objective is to be a dependable point of contact for customers, providing competent advice on every sector it serves.
At R-Biopharm the future looks set to offer further exciting prospects in the fields of clinical diagnostics and food and feed analysis. The foremost challenge is to advance the development of new and versatile fast tests. These will shorten the time it takes to obtain results from a wide range of analytical procedures.