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俄羅斯 . Mettek



俄羅斯Mettek  www.mettek.ru

Our company develops and produces high-tech gas analyzing equipment; we also deal with automatic control tasks resolution and perform scientific research works.
Our main market product is EMG-express multicomponent gas analyzer. As a rule it is utilized by industrial units with complicated operation cycles require quick gaseous phase control on-line with results recorded and archived. The use of EMG-gas analyzer ensures continuous gas-flow analysis in real time. Such analysis provides dynamic process observation and adjustment of current operational modes.
Devices produced by METTEK are usually kitted with gas-sampling stations, heated gas-input line routes and graphical control stations. They are ready for use and supplied for a customer as a turnkey product.
We develop our gas-analyzing systems taking into account gaseous tasks to be solved, currently used equipment, possible service support & guarantee terms for every particular customer.
We are also produce the devices that are not directly related to the equipment used for gas analysis: TVP - technological vacuum posts and HVPS - high-voltage power supplies.
Established in 1991 the company in a short time has grown into the organization providing analytical equipment for the largest Russian metallurgical plants, RAO "Gasprom", significant oil & chemical plants and research institutes. It gains the market by continuous introduction of new products in mass-spectrometry, vacuum techniques and electronics. Deep scientific background enables our employees to present results of our investigations participating in different international conferences and symposiums (Fourth International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology in Tokyo, National Symposium in San-Jose (California), 20-th Symposium on Nuclear Technology in Marcel etc.)
METTEK is a stable ever-growing company. In ten years of existence the company has pushed up its money turnover by 15 fold. In 2000 annual gain of production constituted more than 45%.
The company was established by scientists from different Russian research institutes; its core members still carry out research works in mass-spectrometry and complicated vacuum equipment development. Employment duration of our main specialists is more than 10 years. Currently we have 67 employees.
Manufacturing capabilities of METTEK's own, highly qualified staff and extended management structure ensure our prompt reactions to new market demands, modification of currently produced devices and new product introduction.