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美國 . Filmetrics



美國Filmetrics www.filmetrics.com www.filmetricsinc.cn
創(chuàng)建于 1995 年的美國 Filmetrics, Inc. 公司, 以提供簡單而價格合理的薄膜測量儀器為宗旨。 在我們進入這個市場之前,商業(yè)薄膜測量儀器動輒就要 $50,000 美元或更多,而且操作人員需要預先接受培訓。 單次測量就要花幾分鐘,甚至幾小時時間。
Filmetrics 的目標就是設計經(jīng)濟有效的微型光譜儀系統(tǒng),而硅控線型光電傳感器技術的最新發(fā)展使這一目標得以實現(xiàn)。 我們把先進的技術、軟件、和豐富的薄膜經(jīng)驗結合在一起,創(chuàng)造出了簡單而直觀的 Windows 界面。 其成果就是 F20,這是一種很簡潔的系統(tǒng),具有令人驚異的速度和準確性,生產(chǎn)操作人員只需要幾分鐘培訓即可使用儀器 – 而所有這一切只有傳統(tǒng)儀器幾分之一的價格。
我們的成就已經(jīng)獲得了業(yè)內新聞界的廣泛承認,我們的產(chǎn)品被評為年度“100 種最具技術意義”的產(chǎn)品之一和年度“25 項最佳新產(chǎn)品”之一。
• 1977 年,F(xiàn)ilmetrics F30 產(chǎn)品當選 “研發(fā) 100 大獎”。
• 2002年,F(xiàn)ilmetrics 的厚度成像技術當選 “研發(fā) 100 大獎”。
• 1998年,F(xiàn)ilmetrics F20 被評為 “25 項最佳新產(chǎn)品”。

Filmetrics, Inc. was founded in 1995 with the mission of making thin-film measurements simple and affordable. Prior to our arrival, commercial film thickness measurement instruments cost $50,000 or more and required operators to have advanced training. Single measurements took several minutes, even hours.
The Filmetrics approach was to combine a purpose-built miniature spectrometer system with sophisticated software that integrated advanced thin-film expertise into a simple, intuitive Windows™ interface. The result was the F20, a compact system with astounding speed and accuracy, which line operators could be trained to use in a matter of minutes - all at a mere fraction of the cost of traditional film thickness instruments.
Our accomplishments have been widely recognized by the industry press, including recognition as one of the "100 Most Technologically Significant" products of the year and one of the "25 Best New Products" of the year.

R&D Magazine
R&D 100 Award recognizing the Filmetrics F30 product. 
R&D 100 Award recognizing Filmetrics' Thickness Imaging Technology. 
Photonics Spectra
"25 Best New Products" recognizing the Filmetrics F20.