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英國 . Farfield



英國Farfield www.farfield-sensors.com.cn  www.farfield-group.com
英國Farfield公司致力于為全球的生物學(xué)蛋白檢測、表面科學(xué)及納米科技領(lǐng)域提供創(chuàng)新的科學(xué)分析儀器,使用戶在分子甚至原子的層面上理解物質(zhì)之間的相互作用及作用期間的實(shí)時(shí)變化,給出相應(yīng)的動力學(xué)及熱力學(xué)參數(shù),如:分子直徑、厚度、密度、表面濃度及固-液、液-液界面薄膜實(shí)時(shí)反應(yīng)和變化。公司核心的DPI (Dual Polarization Interferometry)技術(shù)及基于DPI技術(shù)的AnaLight系列雙偏振極化干涉測量分析系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用范圍包括: 
2、蛋白質(zhì)聚集、折疊分析(Alzheimer's等神經(jīng)退行性疾?。?br /> 3、蛋白質(zhì)與小分子(如藥物小分子、金屬離子等)間相互作用


  DPI為定量測量技術(shù),尤其在蛋白質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu)及蛋白質(zhì)與小分子之間的相互作用的研究領(lǐng)域突破目前所有其它即時(shí)測量分子動力學(xué)技術(shù)的瓶頸。該技術(shù)在上述領(lǐng)域應(yīng)用廣泛并發(fā)表大量文獻(xiàn)。被稱做”分子顯微鏡“的DPI儀器是目前測量分子相互作用時(shí)結(jié)構(gòu)及構(gòu)象變化最靈敏的技術(shù)平臺。由于DPI技術(shù)具有極高的靈敏度,能夠測量分子之間相互作用時(shí)分子層中<0.1A厚度及<0.1pg/平方毫米密度的實(shí)時(shí)的變化(如分子量為100000Da的蛋白和分子量為50Da的小分子相互作用,感應(yīng)靈敏度<5Da),并給出動力學(xué)及熱力學(xué)變化曲線,因此DPI技術(shù)提供的數(shù)據(jù)與核磁共振(NMR)、X射線晶體衍射(X-ray Crystallograph)及中子反射等相比更具有優(yōu)越性, 是其他生物傳感技術(shù)如SPR、QCM等無法比擬的。 
Farfield Scientific Inc. leads the field as an innovator, developer and supplier of analytical instruments designed to address the emerging and evolving molecular-scale measurement demands of scientific discovery. Our tools and solutions meet and exceed the most rigorous measurement challenges faced by scientific research in the United States over the next decade.
Our instruments are advancing the frontiers of molecular research in biophysics, surface science and nanotechnology. Our customers are at the forefront of their research fields. Our products are based on a complete understanding and independent verification of the underlying physics of metrology.
Farfield Instruments provide results in "real time", providing our customers with information that can make immediate impact on their analysis, research and speed of products to market.
The support we provide to our customers, and the progress our customers make, is based on Farfield's active engagement with your scientific community. We share your molecular-scale research aspirations and succeed through your science.
Farfield Scientific Inc. is a member of the Farfield Group of Companies
Location & Contact
We would like to hear from you and to discuss ways we can engage and accelerate your research programs.
Farfield Scientific Inc. headquarters office is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Farfield Scientific Inc.
4514 Plummer Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Tel: 412 802 8669
Fax: 412 802 0779
e-mail: usa@farfield-group.com