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德國 . Merck




德國默克集團(tuán)(Merck KGaA)  www.merck.de   www.merck-china.com  www.merckgroup.com 
默克集團(tuán)是世界上歷史最悠久的家族型醫(yī)藥化工企業(yè),其歷史可追溯到1668年藥劑師弗雷德里克.雅各布. 默克(Friedrich Jacob Merck)在德國的達(dá)姆斯塔特市購買“天使藥房”開始。經(jīng)過三百多年的發(fā)展,默克于1995年在德國法蘭克福股票交易市場上市,此后默克公司全球范圍內(nèi)所有的業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營活動都是以默克股份兩合公司的名義進(jìn)行的。默克集團(tuán)總資本的73% 為怡.默克 (E. Merck OHG) 家族所擁有,其余由自由股東持有。 作為一個(gè)全球企業(yè),默克的子公司遍布全球。來自61各國家的29000名員工以高度的工作熱忱和周到的服務(wù)致力于產(chǎn)品的研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)和銷售,努力實(shí)現(xiàn)著我們的理想和目標(biāo)。

外界一直認(rèn)為德國默克與美國默克是同一家公司。 但事實(shí)上,總部位于達(dá)姆施塔特市的德國默克集團(tuán)(Merck KGaA) 與總部位于美國新澤西州Whitehouse Station的美國制藥公司默沙東 (Merck & Co.) 在很久以前就毫無關(guān)聯(lián)。位于達(dá)姆施塔特市的默克集團(tuán)是世界上歷史最悠久的醫(yī)藥化工公司,并且在今天依然非常成功地在醫(yī)藥和化工領(lǐng)域發(fā)展。默沙東公司在第一次世界大戰(zhàn)之后已經(jīng)成為一家安全獨(dú)立的企業(yè)。我們的歷史起源可以追溯到1668年,F(xiàn)riedrich Jacob Merck 買下了位于德國達(dá)姆施塔特市的(Darmstadt) 的 天使藥房 (Engel-Apotheke)。到了 1827 年,Heinrich Emanuel Merck 開始了工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)生物堿、植物萃取以及其他化學(xué)產(chǎn)品。由于在美國出口業(yè)務(wù)的成功開展,默克公司于1887年在紐約成立了一個(gè)分公司。1891年,Heinrich Emanuel Merck的孫子 Georg Merck 成立了默克美國分公司 Merck & Co。然而,這家分公司在1917年的第一次世界大戰(zhàn)中被美國政府,并在戰(zhàn)爭后宣布成為獨(dú)立公司默沙東。兩家公司自此沒有任何關(guān)聯(lián),唯一相同之處是他們共同使用默克(Merck) 這個(gè)名字。今天,在民稱的使用權(quán)上,我們除了在北美洲(美國和加拿大)使用EMD外,在世界的其他地區(qū)均叫做默克(Merck)。而美國默沙東公司僅在北美被稱為默克(Merck & Co.),在世界的其他地區(qū)應(yīng)使用默沙東(Merck Sharp & Dohme,MSD)這個(gè)名稱。


晨暉路88 號2 號樓3 樓 
Tel.: +86 21 2033 8288
Fax: +86 21 6249 6124


Merck & Co., Inc. is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company dedicated to putting patients first. Established in 1891, Merck discovers, develops, manufactures and markets vaccines and medicines to address unmet medical needs. The company devotes extensive efforts to increase access to medicines through far-reaching programs that not only donate Merck medicines but help deliver them to the people who need them. Merck also publishes unbiased health information as a not-for-profit service.
Merck KGaA (EMD Chemicals in the U.S. and Canada, FWB: MRK) is a German chemical and pharmaceutical company. Merck, also known as “German Merck” and “Merck Darmstadt”, was founded in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668, making it one of the world's oldest operating chemical and pharmaceutical companies. The company was privately owned until going public in 1995. However, the Merck family still controls a majority of the company's shares.
Following World War I, Merck lost possession of its foreign sites, including the Merck & Co. subsidiary in the United States. Merck & Co., called Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD) outside the US and Canada, is now an independent company.
Merck KGaA operates mainly in Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America. Since Merck & Co. holds the rights to the Merck name in the U.S. and Canada, the company operates under the umbrella brand EMD Chemicals in North America, formed from the initials of Emanuel Merck, Darmstadt.
The roots of Merck reach back into the 17th Century. In 1668, Friedrich Jacob Merck, an apothecary, assumed ownership of the "Engel-Apotheke" (Angel Pharmacy) in Darmstadt, Germany.
In 1816, Emanuel Merck took over the pharmacy. Thanks to his scientific education he was successful in isolating and characterizing alkaloids in the pharmacy laboratory. He began the manufacture of these substances "in bulk" in 1827, touting them as a "Cabinet of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Innovations". He and his successors gradually built up a chemical-pharmaceutical factory that produced — in addition to raw materials for pharmaceutical preparations — a multitude of other chemicals and (from 1890) medicines.
In 1891, Georg Merck established himself in the United States and set up Merck & Co. in New York, USA. Merck & Co. was confiscated following the First World War and set up as an independent company in the United States. Today, the US company has about 106,000 employees (Nov. 2009) in 120 countries and 31 factories worldwide. It is one of the top 5 pharmaceutical companies worldwide, much larger than its German ancestor, which employs around 30,962 people in 62 countries (as of September 30, 2007).
Merck KGaA's Headquarters in Darmstadt (Germany) 
The EMD Chemicals site in San Diego, California Failed Schering AG bid
On March 13, 2006, Merck announced a takeover bid for Schering AG, the world's largest producer of oral contraceptives. On March 23, 2006, Bayer AG made a supported offer for Schering and Merck decided to drop out of the bidding for the company. Schering is not to be confused with Schering-Plough which was once part of Schering AG but is now an independently operated American pharmaceutical company, itself in the process of being acquired by Merck & Co. in 2009.
 Acquisition of Serono
In September 2006 the company announced a takeover bid of $13.2 billion for Serono SA, Switzerland's largest biotech firm. The deal included a buy-out of the Bertarelli family's 64.5% stake in Serono to be followed by a public tender offer for the remaining shares starting in November. The combined company has an R&D budget of approximately $1.1 billion and sales of approximately $4.6 billion. Its approximately $2 billion in sales of biologics would make it 7th among pharmaceutical/biotech companies. The new entity, Merck Serono, began operations in 2007.
After Wilhelm Adam Sertürner's isolation of morphine from opium in 1805, Merck pioneered (from 1827) the commercial manufacture of morphine for an expanding global market. From 1884 onwards, Merck also played role in the production and marketing of cocaine. Sigmund Freud, author of Über Coca (1884), was an enthusiastic collaborator in Merck's coca research, though the methodological sophistication of his self-experimentation studies has been challenged. Around World War I, Merck systematically patented many drugs including MDMA (ecstasy) [1] and several of its analogues, though no uses for them were given. Attention was directed at vitamins as a new product category, and Vigantol was introduced in 1927, followed by Cebion in 1934.
Following the defeat of Germany in World War II, Merck was granted permission by the military government to produce drugs, pesticides, food preservatives, reagents, and fine chemicals for laboratory use. Soon afterwards the boom commonly known as the "Wirtschaftswunder" (economic miracle) set in. For Merck this meant two-digit sales-growth figures for many years. Products of this time included corticoid preparations — for example Fortecortin, which is still used today —, the cold remedy Nasivin or the hormone preparations Gestafortin and Menova.
The focus of Merck's current pharmaceutical R&D is on oncology and cardio-metabolic care. In the former therapeutic area, its first marketed product is Erbitux (cetuximab), for which it has marketing rights worldwide, apart from North America. (Cetuximab was discovered by Imclone Systems, and is marketed in North America by Bristol-Myers Squibb.) Other products from Merck include Metformin, Bisoprolol, Levothyroxine and Digitoxin.
In the chemicals sector, work started on pearl-lustre pigments in 1957. Ten years later the company initiated its involvement in liquid crystals, leading to its market leading role today. Liquid crystals account for the bulk of Merck's profits at present.
In the area of analytical chemistry, Merck played a leading role in the development of chromatographic methods.
 Price fixing settlement
Generics UK, a former British subsidiary of German drugs firm Merck (global Generics business sold by Merck October 2 2007) paid a £12m out-of-court settlement with the Department of Health over involvement in an alleged price and supply fixing cartel.[2]
The NHS alleges various drugs companies exploited the oligopolistic market conditions, forcing the NHS to pay inflated prices. NHS fraud investigators believe there was a conspiracy to limit the supply of 30 of its most commonly prescribed drugs, including a class of penicillin antibiotics and to a generic version of best-selling ulcer treatment Zantac.[3] The NHS has so far filed claims in relation to just three drugs, seeking damages of more than £150m, while the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is conducting a parallel investigation into the price-fixing allegations limited to the supply of blood-thinning pill warfarin and penicillin-based antibiotics. Homes and offices of executives at six firms, including Ranbaxy, Generics UK, Norton Healthcare, Goldshield and Regent-GM.were raided by the SFO in May 2002.