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德國 . Breitlander



德國Breitlander www.breitlander.com
提供各式XRF (RoHS)分析檢測專用認證標準品、樣品前處理裝置及專用外圍耗材
BREITLÄNDER Eichproben + Labormaterial GMBH was founded in 1972, as early as spectrometers began to enter industry for routine applications.
Our company aim: complete range of reference materials from sources from around the world together with application specific sample preparation.
We offer the most comprehensive range of chemical reference materials with presently.
>15 000 reference materials listed in our database 
>2 000 reference materials available from stock for next day supply 
>100 suppliers worldwide from research institutes, government agencies and private companies 
Special database PROFIX allows to search for a reference material simultaneously for 8 element concentration ranges and showing within seconds chemistry, dimension, availability and price of samples.
More than 15 years ago BREITLÄNDER introduced the use of glass monitor samples for XRF, now supplied with spectrometers from all leading instrument manufacturers.
High precision of spectrometer results require reproducible sample preparation - supply and service of adequate machines started 10 years ago; today production, sales and service comprises a range of manual, semi-automatic and automatic sample preparation machines and its consumables for OES, XRF and solution analysis.