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美國(guó)維士Zavos Diagnostic Laboratories (ZDL, Inc)  www.zdlinc.com
美國(guó)維士Zavos Diagnostic Laboratories (ZDL, Inc) 
Our Mission is to maintain our leadership position in providing infertility medical products and technologies which will solve infertility difficulties for the couples seeking infertility treatment and to their OB/GYN's-Infertility experts throughout the world.
ZDL's Philosophy
Millions of involuntarily sterile couples (suffering from infertility) present an important and acute human and social problem in our society today. Infertility has a serious impact on a couple's personal relations and, consequently, on their mental and physical health and may influence their social and economic status. Thus, involuntary sterility presents a challenge to the medical profession.
The goal of every professional should be to enable every couple to have the number of healthy children they desire. During the last 20 to 30 years our insight into the complicated mechanisms involved in reproduction has been considerably broadened.
Consequently, our understanding of pathological processes has been refined and therapeutic possibilities have increased vastly. A reorganization of the methodological approach in related medical disciplines has simultaneously taken place. Resulting from the above, new diagnostic and therapeutic methods have been developed which may help scores of barren marriages to achieve the long desired child. ZDL, Inc. is totally dedicated in developing and marketing products and technologies for the treatment of human infertility. We are proud to be offering you, the physician and your patients, products that apply from A to Z in the infertility market.
ZDL, Inc., via the introduction of its product line is seeking to capture a major part of the infertility market, especially the portion directed towards the IUI market and particularly that of the private physician that performs ovulation induction, prediction and insemination in his office and wishes to control and maintain his patient clientele.