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美國 . Setra




美國SETRA西特 www.setra.com
Setra Systems, Inc. 成立于1967 年,以電容技術(shù)聞名于世界。由Setra 的創(chuàng)始人Dr. Y.T. Li 和 Dr. S.Y. Lee 發(fā)明的革命性的高精度可變電容變換原理,已取得了30 多項專利,并作為Setra 壓力、加速度、稱重產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)核心,廣泛應(yīng)用于各種尖端設(shè)備中。作為美國阿波羅登月計劃中精密傳感器產(chǎn)品供應(yīng)商之一,Setra微差 壓傳感器在全球范圍內(nèi)享有盛譽(yù)。在經(jīng)過40多年的研究、開發(fā)和持續(xù)改進(jìn),Setra 產(chǎn)品廣泛應(yīng)用于HVAC/R,工業(yè)過程控制、測量測試、環(huán)境參數(shù)測量和半導(dǎo)體超純測量等領(lǐng)域。其在華業(yè)務(wù)由丹納赫西特傳感工業(yè)控制(天津)有限公司全權(quán)負(fù)責(zé)。
Setra 公司總部設(shè)在美國馬薩諸塞州的Boxborough,在那里有140 名員工從事開發(fā)設(shè)計、生產(chǎn)管理;在中國的工廠位于天津西青微電子園區(qū),有18600m2 廠房和250 名員工。Setra 公司通過了ISO9001 :2000 認(rèn)證,我們將堅持持續(xù)質(zhì)量改進(jìn)、按時交貨、完善的客戶服務(wù)為客戶提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品,滿意的服務(wù)。

丹納赫西特傳感工業(yè)控制(天津)有限公司擁有眾多傳感器品牌,生產(chǎn)并銷售Setra西特(壓力傳感器、溫濕度傳感器和變送器、電流傳感器、壓力計等)、Anderson-Negele安德森耐格(衛(wèi)生型溫度、壓力、液位、流量傳感器)、Joslyn Clark強(qiáng)士林克拉克(真空接觸器、FM認(rèn)證消防泵控制器)、WEST(溫度控制解決方案)、必測(固體物料測量)、NAMCO(核級限位開關(guān))、Nyliner(塑料軸承和緊固件)等多個世界知名品牌。

美國SETRA西特精密電子天平是美國Setra Systems,Inc.公司將其擁有的國際專利技術(shù)陶瓷鍍金電容傳感技術(shù)在精密稱重領(lǐng)域中成功應(yīng)用的結(jié)果。1987年美國SETRA西特公司總裁 Dr.S.Y.Lee因此項發(fā)明,而榮獲ISWM(International society for weighing and measurement)頒發(fā)的技術(shù)杰出獎。美國SETRA西特精密電子天平系列是為了滿足用戶對高精度、低價格和功能的要求而設(shè)計的,它們均采用了陶瓷電容稱重傳感器,由于陶瓷電容稱重傳感器需要的部件很少,所以使天平的結(jié)構(gòu)得以精簡并保持很低的外形。陶瓷材料優(yōu)良的物理性能保證了美國SETRA西特系列電子天平具有很高的穩(wěn)定性,很小的遲滯。

XSetra Systems was acquired in December 2001 by Gems Sensors of Plainville, Connecticut. Gems Sensors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Danaher Corporation, designs, manufactures and markets liquid level, flow and pressure sensors and controls
Mission Statement
Setra will exceed customer expectations through technical innovation and superior delivery of high quality, value-added sensing products and services.
Our Logo
SETRA is an acronym for Signal and Energy Transduction, which indicates the focus and main thrust of the company.
Company History
Founded in 1967, Setra Systems, Inc. is a leading designer and manufacturer of pressure, acceleration, and weight sensing devices. Setra has devoted its engineering and research efforts to the development of transducers and systems based on the highly accurate variable capacitive transduction principle.
Setra's founders, Dr. Y.T. Li and Dr. S.Y. Lee, are Professors Emeritus of Engineering at MIT and the co-developers of the variable capacitance transduction principle, the innovative force sensing technology which is the heart of Setra's products.
Setra is ANSI-ASQSO 9001:2000 certified through our registrar, National Quality Assurance (NQA). This prestigious certification requires Setra to maintain a documented quality system to ensure customer satisfaction through controlled design, manufacturing, and employee training programs.
Setra Technology Park owned by Setra Systems, Inc., is located on a scenic 23 acre site in Boxborough, Massachusetts. Setra's building is approximately 100,000 square feet and houses the executive offices, sales offices, and manufacturing facilities. In addition, Setra has additional manufacturing capacity in China at our wholly owned subsidiary, Danaher Sensors and Controls.