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美國 . Omni




美國Omni International  www.omni-inc.com
美國OMNI公司是一家專業(yè)生產(chǎn)勻漿儀的供應商,專門致力于高/低通量樣品研磨、勻漿儀器的研發(fā)生產(chǎn)。其旗下07新開發(fā)產(chǎn)品——Prep自動組織勻漿儀是一臺可進行多樣品同時研磨、溶解和勻漿的儀器,通過機器的高速旋轉、振動,同時高速處理6個裝有樣品的試管。樣品的勻漿效果會直接影響到核酸/蛋白提取的數(shù)量和質量,Prep自動組織勻漿儀可幫助您獲得高品質的勻漿樣本。配套OMNI專利技術的Tip TM塑料探頭,其不僅避免勻漿過程中的樣品交叉污染,而且大大減少不銹鋼探頭處理過程中帶來的蛋白和核酸流失,易清洗、消毒,可重復使用,成本低廉。Prep自動組織勻漿儀適用于多種組織和細胞的勻漿,包括用于BSE檢測的腦組織、植物組織、細胞和多種實體組織等。Prep自動組織勻漿儀問世以來,很快為廣大實驗室所熟知,其優(yōu)越性不言而喻。作為眾多知名客戶的合作伙伴,Omni 以其優(yōu)良的品質和服務來保證實驗人員的職業(yè)健康、安全環(huán)境和美好未來。 

Since 1956, the name Omni has been synonymous with laboratory homogenizers. It’s our only business, our only focus and our core competence. You will deal with a seasoned and knowledgeable support staff whose only job is to make sure that your homogenizing needs are met to your complete satisfaction. We offer the broadest range of lab homogenizers so that we can provide you with the optimal solution to any homogenizing problem.

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Our constantly expanding database consists of carefully reviewed customer published applications, sorted into useful categories, complete with product recommendations to speed you on the path to success. If you can’t find an answer in the database, call us and we’ll help!